
EGOLISS is an esteemed Italian luxury fashion brand exclusively dedicated to women’s fashion. Since its establishment in 1975, EGOLISS has been renowned for its exquisite craftsmanship, attention to detail, and timeless elegance. The brand epitomizes sophistication and caters to discerning women who appreciate refined and exclusive fashion.

EGOLISS 是一个备受推崇的意大利奢侈时装品牌,专门致力于女装。 自 1975 年成立以来,EGOLISS 一直以其精湛的工艺、对细节的关注和永恒的优雅而闻名。 该品牌是精致的缩影,迎合了欣赏精致和独特时尚的挑剔女性。

EGOLISS designs encompass a harmonious fusion of classic and contemporary elements, creating a distinct aesthetic that exudes confidence and femininity. From impeccably tailored suits to ethereal evening gowns, each EGOLISS creation reflects the brand’s commitment to exceptional quality and impeccable style.

EGOLISS 的设计融合了经典和现代元素,营造出一种散发着自信和女性气质的独特美学。 从无可挑剔的剪裁西装到飘逸的晚礼服,每件 EGOLISS 作品都体现了品牌对卓越品质和无可挑剔风格的承诺。




EGOLISS launches its first collection, featuring sophisticated women’s apparel with a focus on tailored suits and elegant dresses.
To establish brand recognition, EGOLISS hosts a private launch event in Milan, inviting influential fashion editors, industry insiders, and select clientele.

EGOLISS 推出其首个系列,主打精致女装,重点是定制西装和优雅连衣裙。
为了建立品牌知名度,EGOLISS 在米兰举办了一场私人发布会,邀请有影响力的时尚编辑、业内人士和精选客户。




EGOLISS expands its distribution network, partnering with high-end department stores and boutiques in major fashion capitals like Paris, New York, and London.
The brand organizes intimate trunk shows in exclusive locations to showcase its latest collections and build relationships with key clients.

EGOLISS 扩大了其分销网络,与巴黎、纽约和伦敦等主要时尚之都的高端百货公司和精品店合作。




EGOLISS hosts its first international fashion show during Milan Fashion Week, captivating audiences with its refined designs and luxurious fabrics.
The brand collaborates with renowned photographers and fashion publications for editorial spreads and advertising campaigns to increase its global visibility.

EGOLISS 在米兰时装周期间举办了首场国际时装秀,以其精致的设计和奢华的面料吸引了观众。




EGOLISS celebrates its 15th anniversary with a grand retrospective exhibition, showcasing iconic designs and highlighting the brand’s evolution over the years.
The brand sponsors prestigious fashion awards and supports emerging designers, solidifying its reputation as a key player in the luxury fashion industry.

EGOLISS 以盛大的回顾展庆祝成立 15 周年,展示标志性设计并突出品牌多年来的演变。




EGOLISS launches its first fragrance line, hosting exclusive fragrance launch events in upscale locations, combining fashion and olfactory experiences.
The brand collaborates with prominent fashion stylists and celebrities, who are seen wearing EGOLISS designs at red carpet events, generating media buzz.

EGOLISS 推出其首个香水系列,在高档场所举办独家香水发布会,将时尚与嗅觉体验相结合。
该品牌与著名的时尚造型师和名人合作,他们在红地毯活动中穿着 EGOLISS 设计,引起了媒体的关注。




EGOLISS expands into accessories, introducing a range of luxury handbags and footwear. The brand hosts accessory-focused events, showcasing the new collections in exclusive showrooms.
EGOLISS partners with international luxury hotels, offering customized in-room shopping experiences for their affluent guests.

EGOLISS 扩展到配饰,推出了一系列奢华手袋和鞋履。 该品牌举办以配饰为中心的活动,在专属陈列室展示新系列。
EGOLISS 与国际豪华酒店合作,为他们的富裕客人提供定制的室内购物体验。




EGOLISS adopts digital marketing strategies, launching an official brand website and engaging with customers through social media platforms.
The brand collaborates with renowned interior designers, creating pop-up stores and immersive retail spaces that reflect EGOLISS’ refined aesthetic.

EGOLISS 采用数字营销策略,推出官方品牌网站并通过社交媒体平台与客户互动。
该品牌与知名室内设计师合作,打造快闪店和沉浸式零售空间,体现 EGOLISS 的精致审美。




EGOLISS celebrates its 35th anniversary with a star-studded gala event, featuring a fashion show, live performances, and a charitable auction to support women’s empowerment initiatives.
The brand organizes global trunk show tours, bringing the EGOLISS experience to loyal customers worldwide.

EGOLISS 以一场星光熠熠的盛大活动庆祝成立 35 周年,其中包括时装秀、现场表演和慈善拍卖,以支持妇女赋权倡议。
该品牌组织全球行李箱巡展,将 EGOLISS 体验带给全球忠实客户。




EGOLISS embraces sustainable fashion practices, launching eco-friendly collections and hosting events dedicated to promoting sustainability in the industry.
The brand establishes strategic partnerships with luxury resorts and cruise lines, curating exclusive fashion events and trunk shows at exotic destinations.

EGOLISS 拥护可持续时尚实践,推出环保系列并举办致力于促进行业可持续发展的活动。




EGOLISS enhances its digital presence, launching e-commerce platforms and virtual shopping experiences to cater to a growing online customer base.
The brand collaborates with influential fashion bloggers and content creators, organizing immersive brand experiences and generating buzz through digital campaigns.

EGOLISS 增强了其数字业务,推出了电子商务平台和虚拟购物体验,以满足不断增长的在线客户群。




EGOLISS opens flagship stores in emerging luxury markets, such as Dubai, and Seoul, hosting grand opening events attended by local celebrities and influencers.
The brand introduces augmented reality (AR) technology, allowing customers to virtually try on EGOLISS designs and enhancing the online shopping experience.

EGOLISS 在迪拜和首尔等新兴奢侈品市场开设旗舰店,举办由当地名人和有影响力人士出席的盛大开业活动。
该品牌引入了增强现实 (AR) 技术,让顾客可以虚拟地试穿 EGOLISS 设计并增强在线购物体验。


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